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Housing & Conference Services

Living At McMaster

Residence Orientation Representative Job Description

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This job is posted on the the Residence Portal (StarRez). Use your McMaster credentials to log in and click on the "Employment" tab.

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Job Summary:

The ROR reports directly to their respective Residence Orientation Advisor (ROA). The ROR will also take direction from the Residence Orientation Planner (ROP) and the Residence Life Management Team (RLMT).

The ROR is responsible for assisting with the organization and implementation of Welcome Week events for their assigned residence hall, the residence-wide community and at the campus-wide level. During Welcome Week, the ROR is responsible for assisting with the residence move-in process, as determined by the Department of Housing and Conference Services, and for supporting the University’s Orientation Committee.


  • Support and seek to achieve the goals of Welcome Week.
  • Attend all meetings and training sessions required for the Residence Orientation Representatives (RORs).
  • Maintain regular communication throughout the summer (weekly/bi-weekly e-mail) with the ROA, as required.
  • Assist ROA with implementing Welcome Week programming, as assigned.
  • Assist with the Residence Move-In process.
  • Demonstrate positive role modelling behaviour to all 1st-year students by maintaining a positive attitude and engaging in responsible decision-making.
  • Provide leadership and support to first-year students, easing their transition to university.
  • Refer all situations of an emergency/crisis or sensitive nature involving residents to the appropriate Residence Life Staff member.
  • Promote responsible attitudes towards academic achievement by encouraging and accompanying students to academic preparation events and activities.
  • Promote positive school and residence spirit, and a sense of community.
  • Adhere to Welcome Week Guiding Principles, Student Code of Rights and Responsibilities, and all other municipal, provincial and federal laws and statutes.
  • Adhere to HCS’ Social Media Guidelines and Expectations.
  • Assist ROA with effective wrap-up of resources and ensure spaces used during Welcome Week are returned to normal condition.
  • Ad hoc duties as assigned



  • Full-time student status (full-time undergraduate student is defined as one who is taking courses equivalent to at least twenty-four units between September and April, or is enrolled in a full-time Co-op/outgoing Exchange program) and a minimum sessional (September-December) GPA of 6.0 must be achieved.


  • Previous experience with orientation at McMaster (or equivalent experience) considered an asset.


  • Excellent communication skills: listening, written, verbal, facilitation, negotiation, and presentation.
  • Interpersonal skills to effectively engage with a variety of people.
  • Demonstrated good judgment and problem-solving skills.
  • Ability to work independently as well as part of a larger team, taking direction as required.
  • Demonstrated leadership skills.

Additional Information:

  • Online training will be required throughout the summer months as part of the requirements of this volunteer position.
  • Abstain from consuming substances during McMaster Welcome Week Orientation Training and Welcome Week (dates TBD)
  • RORs are expected to promote and uphold the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities (CSRR).
  • Attend mandatory in-person  training sessions as assigned.
  • Given the demands of the position during August and Welcome Week, the Residence Orientation Representative may not hold a Residence Life Staff position during the same term (i.e. ROR in 2023 may not start the year as a CA in 2023-2024).

Department and Project Description:

Housing and Conference Services’ (HCS) mission is to provide distinctive and progressive student and client experiences which enable our community’s health and well-being, and the pursuit of academic and personal goals in a safe, comfortable, inclusive environment which advances learning and service excellence.

Residence Life supports student success by encouraging growth, educating character and enhancing the university experience.

Welcome Week Goals

  • To make connections with McMaster, your faculty, your residence or off-campus society, and other students
  • Develop your own identity as a Mac student, within your Faculty and in your residence or off-campus
  • Be safe and feel safe, both physically and emotionally
  • Connect with academic, emotional and University support systems
  • Meet and connect with other student leaders who are positive role models

Welcome Week Guiding Principles

  • Equality so that first-year students are offered the same rights, respect and support as those already in the Mac community
  • Freedom of Choice so that even though first-year students are encouraged to participate in all events of the Week, they are always free to choose when and how to join in
  • Celebration of Diversity so that differences in gender, race, ethnic origin, sexual orientation and religion are recognized and treated with respect and sensitivity, and the special needs of students with disabilities are also respected
  • Respect for Individuality so that all students are free to be different and can expect to be treated with respect
  • Privacy so that first-year students are entitled to private space and time; even in residence, other students should enter their room only if invited