Residence Policies
Residence Policies
Before living in a McMaster University residence, you will agree to conduct yourself in a responsible manner, and follow the policies set forth by the McMaster University Housing & Conference Services Department. Below, you can find the specifics about said policies, including forms and documents you may need for a successful residence stay at McMaster.
If you need accommodations support to access any of these documents, including alternative formats or other communication supports, please email the Housing & Conference Services department.
The policies listed below are authorized by the Senate under the authority of the McMaster University Act.
Information Box Group

Residence Handbook View the Handbook
Learn everything you need to know about living in residence in the Student Handbook.

Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities Code of Student Rights & Responsibilities
Housing and Conference Services is committed to providing a safe, secure environment in which students can live and learn. Residence is a unique and interconnected community and as such there are additional, contextual expectations for Residence Students.

Service Animal Agreement in Residence Service Animal Policy
McMaster University is committed to the inclusion and reasonable accommodation of students with disabilities. This includes the presence of Service Animals within aspects of University life, including residences. If you require the assistance of a service animal in residence please read the following document outlining the policies surrounding this.

Residence Agreement/Contract 2024-2025 Residence Agreement Contract
The Residence Agreement/Contract outlines the fundamental contractual obligations between you, the student, and Housing and Conference Services. Please read through the following document to learn more about your responsibilities.

University Policies and Procedures University Policies and Procedures
The University Policies and Procedures outlines what the expectations are being a student at McMaster. Please read through the following document to learn more about your responsibilities in first-year and beyond.

Guest Policy
A no guest policy is in place for the duration of Welcome Week. After Welcome Week, the normal guest policy will take effect and students can host one guest in their residence room.

First-Year Student Guiding Principles Student Guiding Principles
Read over our first-year guiding principles to get a better understanding of what the expectations are being a student at McMaster. These are the principles that will be expected of you throughout your time as a McMaster student.

Alcohol Policy McMaster Alcohol Policy
Be aware of your expectations for responsible alcohol use in Residence. McMaster University is committed to the health, safety and well-being of students, employees and guests. The intention of the McMaster University Alcohol Policy is to ensure the responsible management of alcoholic beverages being served on campus or during sanctioned university events.

Welcome Week Regulations Welcome Week Regulations
Welcome Week is an exciting time at McMaster, we want to give our first-year students the best welcome to their new home. In order to keep welcome week events fun and safe, we have created regulations set out to make sure these events are safe and secure.